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Fit for Work

Fit for Work


Work. It’s a love-hate thing. Sometimes we find it fulfilling. Sometimes we find it frustrating. Always we need it to keep bread on the table and to give us a sense of purpose.

One thing is for sure, you never meet an older Christian who says they wish they had done less for Jesus in their working lives. But you meet loads who say they wish they had done more!

Based on our Cross-Current curriculum this week-long course looks at how our biblical worldview shapes not only our attitude towards work, but also shapes who we are at work. We want to know what our work means to Jesus and also what Jesus means to our workplace.

We examine the theology of work, the basis for relationships at work, integrity in the 21st century workplace, and attitudes towards wealth creation and money. At every point we will look for practical outcomes in our own lives so that by God’s grace who we are in work will be shaped by the Spirit and the Word of God.

This course is for your individual benefit, and could also help you if you’re thinking of leading a Cross-Current group in your church, city or country.

Instructor’s bio:

Tim Vickers serves as Director of IFES Graduate Impact. For the last 25 years, following 10 years working as a commercial property consultant, Tim has worked within the IFES family helping young Christian adults as they transition from university into working life. His double motivation is both the tragedy of seeing people struggle in their faith through their twenties, and also the great opportunity that working life represents as a lifelong context for sharing Christ with those detuned from the Gospel's truth. Tim has taught young Christian professionals and students in 40 different countries. He is also responsible for initiating the Bible and Culture training course (2007) and the Cross-Current mentoring programme (2012) which has been adopted for use in more than 40 countries. He earned an MA in Christian ethics from King’s College, London. Tim is married to Jo and they have three children two of whom are currently university students.

13 July

Arts and Incarnation